We were lucky enough to be tasked with the capturing of Saddleback’s 2016 House Show.
As a premium distributer of cycling products, we worked with the creative team at Saddleback to ensure we captured the show to the highest quality.
Our aim was to showcase both the show and the opinion of the retailers and brands they work with along side some of the beautiful products they work with.
Some of the team here at Bexmedia are keen mountain bikers and we had the pleasure of speaking with some of the worlds top riders. Focusing on why Saddleback has had the successes over the last 12 months.
From how they listen to and provide for their dealers, to how they work with the brands they represent, the interview content we captured shows that this company are the ones to aspire to in the UK industry.
We look forward to pulling a fantastic edit together from the 6 hours of footage we managed to capture, to showcase the new premises and give a flavour of how this inspirational company, does business.