Roche – Promotional Motion Graphic
Roche Diagnostics
- Animation
- Motion Graphics
One of our good friends, Ben Southgate, approached us with a brief to communicate how Roche Diagnostics innovate and create for the furthering of medical treatment over the many years they have existed.
The Roche brand is clean, elegant and effective. This gave us a great starting point for coming up with method to take the viewer on a graphical journey alongside the script we had provided.
The first job was to agree the approach, using a comprehensive storyboard, which illustrated how the animation would flow along side the script. After some discussion and slight alterations made, we were ready to animate.

The key with simple animation is to take time to get each and every motion perfect, there is nothing else to distract the viewer so this is paramount in creating an effective, authentic feel to the video. This effectively meant no short cuts, no presets, just carefully crafted motion with a lot of key frames. This is labor intensive but worth every second.
Another aspect which was crucial to this project was selecting a series of voice over artists to suite the message. Getting the point across that Roche is a large organisation we proposed using multiple voice overs to cut between. We have a large number of contacts in our little black book of contacts who we were able to call upon to make this happen, the result being a raising of production value along side hammering home the message about the organisation.